Monday, November 5, 2007

just some thoughts

hey there...i can't believe that tonight, we are going to be on HOUSE HUNTERS. The whole idea sounded really cool when we did it and now i am feeling a bit nauseous. My friend beth said it looked cute but i heard myself and i don't think i will be able to watch myself. UGH! Will be fun to see the kids though. they have changed alot since last year. we are off to disneyworld with my parents this week. It really is the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH. I will post pics when we return. also..check out my friend beth's website for

1 comment:

abc said...

you ROCKED...the show was were adorable if a little 'over it in a really I can't be bothered with this tv stuff way'...just called and now realize you are hanging with Mickey...enjoy and BRAVO!