Friday, October 24, 2008

High School Destruction 3

This certainly isn't East High. This is our beloved Alma Mater undergoing demolition and reconstruction. Photo #2 is the blockos that exist now for the students on Ft. Wash ave. Wow, can't wait to see the new building next year! It is my hope that my kids will one day go there!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Olivier Dubreuil - Master Chef of France

Olivier has been named Maitres Cuisiner de France...Master Chef of France!!! Read below about this prestigious organization!! Bravo Cheri!!

"Master Chef of France” is the most envied title that all chefs aspire to have! But not everyone can become a “Master Chef of France”. Their motto is “to preserve and spread the French culinary art, encouragetraining in cuisine, and assist professional development.”

A prestigious Association of Chefs

The Master Chefs of France are given the highest classification in restaurants guides and are often mentioned in specialised magazines. Most of the leading chefs, the “Meilleurs Ouvriers de France” and the winners of culinary competitions belong to the Association.

The public authorities recognise the important work carried out by the Master Chefs of France “to preserve, advance and perpetuate the tradition of great French cuisine”. This is why they have no hesitation in granting them honorary awards, especially those of the “Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur”, the “Ordre National du Mérite Agricole” and the “Ordre National du Mérite”.

The Advisory Committee of President Reagan attributed the expression “the Banner with the most stars in the world” to the Master Chefs of France during a trip to the United States.

Restaurant professionals, promoters of training and good quality products

The Association of the Master Chefs of France employs nearly 10,000 qualified people and is also closely involved in the activities of the Regional Commissions for vocational diplomas and school-leaving certificates granted by specialised schools.

It participates actively in action to promote products of “top quality”, such as the Red Labels and “Appellations d’Origine Contrôlée”, or European signs of quality, such as the IGP, AOP and STG.

Dynamic promoters of French culinary art

The Association of the Master Chefs of France promotes professional excellence through numerous national and international cooking competitions.

Its members serve on juries for official competitions: “Meilleur Ouvrier de France”, International Pierre Taittinger Prize, Prosper Montagné Culinary Prize, Curnonsky Prize, Bocuse d’Or, National Trophy for Cuisine and Pastry-making, etc.

The Association of Master Chefs of France organises Competitions for the Best Apprentice Chef in France and the Best Apprentice Chef in Europe.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our Ginger Kitty

A very sad day. Our beloved pet, Ginger, has passes away. We were lucky enough to spend 13 wonderful, happy years with her and she was a big part of our family memories. We will love her always. Murr.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sadist or Allergist?

Take a look at Spencer's back after his allergy prick test!! 60 pricks to test him for trees, weeds, grasses, animals and molds. Turns out..highly allergic (duh!) to trees, weeds and grasses. No pets or mold. poor baby!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

blast the media!

okay..just have to get this off my chest. who else out there thinks the media has blown this economic crisis out of proportion? while i agree that the mortgage sector has had free reign for too long, i don't think that the media should panic all americans into another depression. after all, those not affected by the mortgage crunch are still making a living and buying stuff. if we didn't hear that the stock market was crashing or that our economy is nose diving EVERY TIME WE LISTEN OR READ OR WATCH, maybe we would relax and let the cyclical nature of things take over. as it stands now, the MONEY DRIVEN media would have us believe that all of america will become SHANTYTOWN any day now.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss. let's all take a deep breath and go to target.